The Membership Form is now open for your Membership Renewal for 2023. You can get to the Membership Form here. You will need to log in with the details you used last year and then select New Membership in the Menu. If you have a dinghy stored, please renew asap to secure your place. If you are not intending to rejoin, please remove your dinghy from the boat yard but please let me know when you have so that you do not have to put up with my reminders!
Likewise, if you have a canoe or kayak stored on the Members’ Racking, please rejoin and register your paddle craft to secure your space on the racking or let me know if you no longer want the space that was allocated to you in 2022 – we do have a waiting list for spaces.
Please see attached a Draft Calendar that Rich has put together for our Paddlers. The proposed calendar dates are all provisional at this stage and will be confirmed along with full details nearer the time of the event. Thursday pool sessions are re-starting on 12th January for six weeks. If anyone is interested in attending and has not yet done so then please contact Amanda Worrell for details and to book a space.
If you have tried to look at the Clywedog Sailing and Paddle Club – Members Only FB Page, you will notice that you will need to request to join it again. For a trial this year I have deleted all 2022 Members (so I can keep track that ONLY Members are on the page) and as you renew and pay for your Membership, please request to join the FB Page again.
Please note the new USE OF CLUB EQUIPMENT Policy.
I look forward to seeing you in 2023
Membership Secretary for Clywedog Sailing Club